Today is the anniversary of the 1953 attack on the Moncada barracks in Santiago de Cuba. It marks the beginning of the Cuban revolution.
Today we have a group of Congressional know-nothings paving the way for another impeachment effort. There is no grounds for the preliminary lawsuit to be considered in any judiciary or ethical forum. According to the Constitution, grounds for impeachment are defined as "high crimes and misdemeanors." What high crimes and misdemeanors?
Once again, I am having deja vu all over again, as I have with the Iraq war, the 40 legislative and judicial attacks on Affordable Health Care, the brutal battering in the Middle East, passenger planes being shot down with rockets no one will admit to launching... my head feels like I'm stuck in Buddy Holly's reverb chamber.
The people's representatives have no mandate to conduct such a charade. According to a Washington Post/CNN survey, one-third of Americans think Obama should be impeached. That leaves two-thirds of Americans who don't support the move. One-fifth of Americans don't understand what the word impeachment means. So, do the math. One-fifth equals 20 percent. Most of those are probably Republicans, but that's speculation. Studies do reveal, however, that Republicans test lower on civic and political tests. So, back to the math...
Let's be 'fair'; we'll subtract 10 percent of the dummies from each statistic. Thirty-three percent minus 10 percent dummies equals 23 percent of Americans want to impeach the Pres. Sixty-six percent, minus 10 percent equals 56 percent do NOT want to impeach the Pres. Hmmm...
So back to no mandate: Americans say 'no' to impeachment, 56 to 23 percent. Congress is making moves to impeach. I'm thinking that's not the action of a representative government.
I say it's time for us Americans to have our own version of the Cubans' 26 of July.
Today we have a group of Congressional know-nothings paving the way for another impeachment effort. There is no grounds for the preliminary lawsuit to be considered in any judiciary or ethical forum. According to the Constitution, grounds for impeachment are defined as "high crimes and misdemeanors." What high crimes and misdemeanors?
Once again, I am having deja vu all over again, as I have with the Iraq war, the 40 legislative and judicial attacks on Affordable Health Care, the brutal battering in the Middle East, passenger planes being shot down with rockets no one will admit to launching... my head feels like I'm stuck in Buddy Holly's reverb chamber.
The people's representatives have no mandate to conduct such a charade. According to a Washington Post/CNN survey, one-third of Americans think Obama should be impeached. That leaves two-thirds of Americans who don't support the move. One-fifth of Americans don't understand what the word impeachment means. So, do the math. One-fifth equals 20 percent. Most of those are probably Republicans, but that's speculation. Studies do reveal, however, that Republicans test lower on civic and political tests. So, back to the math...
Let's be 'fair'; we'll subtract 10 percent of the dummies from each statistic. Thirty-three percent minus 10 percent dummies equals 23 percent of Americans want to impeach the Pres. Sixty-six percent, minus 10 percent equals 56 percent do NOT want to impeach the Pres. Hmmm...
So back to no mandate: Americans say 'no' to impeachment, 56 to 23 percent. Congress is making moves to impeach. I'm thinking that's not the action of a representative government.
I say it's time for us Americans to have our own version of the Cubans' 26 of July.